Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cmscab_decompressorA decompressor for .CAB (Microsoft Cabinet) files
 Cmscabd_cabinetA structure which represents a single cabinet file
 Cmscabd_fileA structure which represents a single file in a cabinet or cabinet set
 Cmscabd_folderA structure which represents a single folder in a cabinet or cabinet set
 Cmschm_compressorA compressor for .CHM (Microsoft HTMLHelp) files
 Cmschm_decompressorA decompressor for .CHM (Microsoft HTMLHelp) files
 Cmschmc_fileA structure which represents a file to be placed in a CHM helpfile
 Cmschmd_fileA structure which represents a file stored in a CHM helpfile
 Cmschmd_headerA structure which represents a CHM helpfile
 Cmschmd_sec_mscompressedA structure which represents the LZX compressed section of a CHM helpfile
 Cmschmd_sec_uncompressedA structure which represents the uncompressed section of a CHM helpfile
 Cmschmd_sectionA structure which represents a section of a CHM helpfile
 Cmskwaj_compressorA compressor for the KWAJ file format
 Cmskwaj_decompressorA decompressor for KWAJ compressed files
 Cmskwajd_headerA structure which represents an KWAJ compressed file
 Cmsoab_compressorA compressor for the Offline Address Book (OAB) format
 Cmsoab_decompressorA decompressor for .LZX (Offline Address Book) files
 Cmspack_fileA structure which represents an open file handle
 Cmspack_systemA structure which abstracts file I/O and memory management
 Cmsszdd_compressorA compressor for the SZDD file format
 Cmsszdd_decompressorA decompressor for SZDD compressed files
 Cmsszddd_headerA structure which represents an SZDD compressed file